
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random thoughts


It has been such a long time since my last blog entry although I promised to write more, even after UCHanu course. Sorry for that. As you all know, time flies fast and there have been so many unexpected things happened recently in my life, preventing me from keeping my writing habit. But just forget about it and let's talk about something else !


So, what the hell is happening to the world now? :P

We have talked much about the situation of Vietnam and other South East Asian countries when fighting against Chinese benefit towards South China Sea. Beyond my expectation, the South China Sea dispute this time has been affecting many young educated Vietnamese much more than the previous time although Government doesn't want to publish too much information and citizens are still afraid of Anti-Communist force's taking advantage from the dispute. Youth is simply pure and easily vulnerable- it's understandable why they enthusiastically take part in the protest and are willing to do everything to show their patriotism. 

It reminds me to the case of Norway in the last few days, when the locals were terrified by a young gunman, who seems to be a victim of mental disorder, causing his extreme reaction. So, vulnerability of young people may lead them to nowhere but hurting themselves and even others. However, it is obvious that vulnerability is a part of growing process and once people get over it, they will gain so many experiences and become a better people in many ways. It was claimed in one speech, named "The art of vulnerability" that Sam shared me last week. We did discussed a little bit on email: 
"... I agree that vulnerability is in the border line of shame- fear and joy, happiness. People need to accept or even try their best to practice their vulnerability to grow up. My old boss always says that :"when you feel challenging, it's the time for you to grow up..."

Just a few thoughts running out of my mind before getting in bed.

 I'll be back in the next day as "tomorrow will be better" (Hilary Clinton).